Monday, February 8, 2010

Internal / Self Hurdles

These hurdles come from our mindset and personal behavior. These are major source of any problem.
They arise due to some fallacy in our perceptual intelligence or false sensation in our emotional intelligence or wrong activity in our intentional intelligence.

Examples (Internal Hurdles)

A minor procrastination / laziness by manager will cause comparatively major delay in his works by his workers; the concerned worker will show more lethargic and careless attitude to his tasks.
Similarly, a small mistake in timely guidance to some staff member may cause large wastages in resource utilization. A delay in 2 hours in timely guidance may demand 20 hours additional guidance by the manager.

Examples (External Hurdles)

The major threat, in business life, comes from people who have strong lust for wealth. They utilize exploitative measures to gain material benefits. Their major maneuverings are:
To develop a monopoly in market,
To introduce rent–seeking or corruption,&
To make cartels.
Any cooperation with the lusty people will make one’s life full of losses/miseries. A competitive or resilient approach is indispensable to manage these lusty creatures.

Examples (Institutional Hurdles)

In economic effort, an entrepreneur faces certain governmental rules & regulation - he pays taxes, he accommodates labor laws, he follows environmental policy, etc. There may be some outdated and ill-devised institutional rules & regulations, but the challenge to the authority of these rules must follow some acceptable modus operandi to dissolve.

In my next post I will discuss as Hurdle Vs Limitations

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