Hurdle Vs Limitation
Hurdle is an obstacle that can be overcome through struggle, sooner or later, while a limitation is some constraint imposed by nature and cannot be overcome through granted human powers. Aging, body structure, biological demand for food, water, sleep, heredity effects, natural laws are few examples of limitations.
Limitations are designed and imposed on us to fulfill Divine Scheme of creation and provide level playing field to all individuals or nation belongs to any region or lineage or color. On the other hand, hurdles are illusory, temporary, discouraging, and man-made.
Any misconception between limitation and hurdle may lead us towards deterministic mindset or wrong belief.
Hurdle Vs Detractor
Detractors are problems that crop up unexpectedly and snatch our concentration. These may be mechanical, e.g., a problem in some equipment, power breakdowns, and trouble in vehicle, or these detractors may be social, e.g., unwanted visitors/males/phones.
The root cause of these detractors is improper maintenance of equipments, un-cleanliness, and time mismanagement.
They appear as urgent and disturb important tasks and planned movement.
(Dont worry and stay tuned to my blog. I will discuss Solutions in my final blog of this series. Thanks)
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